
Core Modules Documentation

In HTML, <form> tags contain elements that take user input such as text boxes and select lists. When submitted, the form elements in a form tag are sent to a specified URL. Certain core modules such as Login, Form and Password Reset or any 3rd party modules that collect data from a user require the module to be rendered inside a <form> tag. In order for the CMS framework to manage the proper execution of html form submissions, the <form> tag should appear in your layouts like:

<form cms:form="true" name="form1" method="post">
    <!-- Form inputs -->

Notice the cms:form=”true” must be present for the framework to recognize a managed form and append minimal tracking information to the rendered html. In addition to managing module execution paths, the CMS framework takes extra steps to defend against:

Omit this attribute if the contents of the <form> are not CMS modules and instead native html form elements.

CMS form tags can be included in Masters or for case by case inclusion, in Templates.

NOTE: It is important to specify a form's method attribute to POST.